Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My So-Called Life: SENIORS- KELSEY

This week I set out with my new friend Kelsey to do her senior pictures.  She is graduating in May and is going to Carolina- You go girl! (although, I've been told, that my house is now a DUKE house)  Here are just a couple of my favorites.  Kelsey has a quiet confidence about her that I love...and I think that you can you can even see what I mean through these pictures.  Make sure to take note of her "To Die For" lashes (I'm talking miles long people) and beautiful eyes!

2010 Seniors- contact me about the My So-Called Life: SENIORS package. And, as promised, I am going to add more to Bailey's shoot later in the week too!  Sorry for the delay!


This picture could sum up our time together:)  I'm pretty sure we were trying to avoid getting eaten by fire ants.  

My personal fav.

Joe's favorite out of these shots.

I'm loving Kelsey's profile in this shot.

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