As Bailey was finishing getting ready for her shoot- we are talking hair and make-up- the sky started to change colors. Not good. We knew we had some time so we rushed to Salisbury and got ready to shoot. Bailey was in town from South Carolina, so girls had to do what girls had to do! We got about 10 minutes of shoot time in when the bottom dropped out and the great flood began. Luckily, I have a studio space where I shoot in Salisbury so we headed there to get some inside shots. The rain subsided and we headed back outside...for about 5 minutes before the great flood #2 began. In a lot of the shots I am in the pouring rain and I had Bailey under things where she would be covered. Bailey was such an AMAZING sport and really hung in there through ALL of the chaos. I can't wait to shoot her wedding in May and know it will be absolutely beautiful. Here are a couple of my top picks.
I love this style black and white with Bailey's black hair.
This is one of my favorite shots. I really like how it looks in black and white, but I also love the color one too because Bailey's eyes just pop.
Make-up by Molly at Bella Amore. I love her!
Moments before the pour down.
This was the same veil Bailey's mom wore in her wedding, in the same church that Bailey is getting married in. Yes, amazing.
I like her spunk in this shot.